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Welcome to The Aster School

Where we raise lifelong learners, who are prepared for life.

At Aster, the well-being of our students is the top priority. We build environments that are safe, and supportive, enhance learning, develop skills, and also make the journey of education enjoyable.

Why Aster

We believe in nurturing well-rounded individuals through integrated education, which includes:

Eco Conscious Decision Makers

By teaching students about sustainable practices, we empower them to become environmentally conscious individuals who can make informed decisions, advocate for change, and contribute positively to building a sustainable and resilient society.

Physical Education

Balancing academics with sports cultivate healthy, confident, and capable individuals who are equipped with a range of skills essential for their overall success and well-being. We have sports classes every day and include gymnastics, taekwondo, swimming, cricket, soccer, and much more.

Proficient Academics

Strong academics lay the foundation for a bright future. At Aster, we have a research and project-based learning curriculum which helps a child think critically, analyze the world, and become problem solvers.

Social Emotional Learning

By teaching social-emotional learning to students, we empower them to develop self-awareness, build positive relationships, navigate challenges, and become responsible and compassionate individuals

Extra Curricular Activities

Our ECA program has significance as it develops skills, personal growth, social interaction, enhanced academic performance, exposure to diversity, and improved well-being. Regular field trips, participation in international contests, annual plays, and much more are organized year-round to give the right amount of exposure to our students.

21st Century Skills

In a digital world, equipping students with the right skills is what will make them future-ready. Robotics, Graphic Design, and Freelancing are to name a few of the skills that are offered at Aster.
Our approach ensures that each aspect of a student’s development is given equal importance, creating individuals who are truly prepared for life’s challenges and opportunities.

Conscious – Mindful – Intellectual is what defines the students of Aster


Aster Redefines School Sustainability

Dawn 0 Comments

The school empowers young learners to tackle climate change through hands-on

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How to raise strong readers?

Abdul Rehman 0 Comments

A simple guide to aid your child’s reading habit from the time of birth on

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How to raise strong writers?

Abdul Rehman 0 Comments

Even before learning to write, children are writers. Their literacy skills

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Tips and Tricks to aid your child’s language development!

Abdul Rehman 0 Comments

Language Explosion is a phase which occurs around 18 to 24 months. The

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Our Classes

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sitae ornar uspendisse consequat quis sem aluam joiseirn voiservs.

$65per day
Little Lambs
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Class aptent taciti sociosqu adtora torq uent per conubia mauris eros nostra.
  • Age: 2-5 Years
  • Class Size: 25
$55per day
Smart Turtles
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Class aptent taciti sociosqu adtora torq uent per conubia mauris eros nostra.
  • Age: 2-5 Years
  • Class Size: 30
$30per day
Little Star
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Class aptent taciti sociosqu adtora torq uent per conubia mauris eros nostra.
  • Age: 2-5 Years
  • Class Size: 40
New Students
Gold Medals
Total Courses
Total Activities
Meet Our Team

Cras feslin is hendrerit vel nibh vitae ornar uspendisse consequat quis sem velit aliquam
vibh vitae ornar uspendisse consequat quis sem ieserliv velit aliquam iserflei noer
sitae ornar uspendisse consequat quis sem aluam joiseirn voiservs.

Sarah Smith
Head Teacher
Dalmatian hello amazing the rmored flung as thanks a manta dealt to uer emu some the and one baldbe dear.

Sandra Christie
Class Teacher
Dalmatian hello amazing the rmored flung as thanks a manta dealt to uer emu some the and one baldbe dear.

Robert White
Head Teacher
Dalmatian hello amazing the rmored flung as thanks a manta dealt to uer emu some the and one baldbe dear.

Brenda Wills
Class Teacher
Dalmatian hello amazing the rmored flung as thanks a manta dealt to uer emu some the and one baldbe dear.

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Mark Sixma