Home Aster Stars Program

Aster Stars Program

Aster Stars Program is a uniquely designed program for Parents and Toddlers and is designed based on the Montessori approach.

This 1.5-hour session helps develop

Parent-Child Bonding:

This program provides an opportunity for parents and toddlers to bond and strengthen their relationships. Through interactive activities, play, and shared experiences, parents and toddlers can form a deeper emotional connection.

Parent Child Bonding
Early learning and development

Early Learning and Development:

Through Montessori-inspired activities, we promote early learning and development in toddlers. We offer age-appropriate activities, sensory experiences, and stimulation that support cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development during the critical early years.

Early Learning and Development:

Through Montessori-inspired activities, we promote early learning and development in toddlers. We offer age-appropriate activities, sensory experiences, and stimulation that support cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development during the critical early years.

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Socialization Skills:

 Toddlers benefit from interacting with their peers in a structured setting. This program offers opportunities for toddlers to engage in play, share toys, take turns, and develop social skills such as communication, cooperation, and empathy. These experiences lay the foundation for healthy social relationships later in life.

Socialisation skills
Language Development

Language and Communication Development:

We focus on language-rich environments, exposing toddlers to a variety of vocabulary and language models. Through rhymes, stories, and conversations, toddlers enhance their language and communication skills, building a solid foundation for future language development.

Language and Communication Development:

We focus on language-rich environments, exposing toddlers to a variety of vocabulary and language models. Through rhymes, stories, and conversations, toddlers enhance their language and communication skills, building a solid foundation for future language development.

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Parenting Confidence and Empowerment:

The Montessori approach empowers parents by equipping them with knowledge, skills, and strategies to support their child’s development. As parents witness their toddlers’ growth and progress in a supportive environment, they gain confidence in their parenting abilities and feel more empowered in their role.

Parenting Confidence
Enhancing Independence

    Enhancing Independence

    With activities such as practical life skills which include table setting, table manners, lining clothes, mopping, washing hands, washing toys, and much more, we tend to develop an early onset of fostering independence. A child develops an innate sense of confidence that they can do anything on their own.

    We have 3 programs running under the Aster Stars Program:

    This program runs every Tuesday and Thursday from 12 -1.30 pm

    Every Saturday from 12 – 1.30

    We organize thematic playdates based on famous stories. Our qualified teachers design activities that bring to life the themes through immersive play, storytelling, and much more.

    Aster Stars Program is the best way to get to know how we follow the pure Montessori approach for young minds to reach their developmental milestones and also help them their first step towards being ready for schooling. It is also the window to our preschool where we follow the same methodology.

    Registrations keep ongoing. You can apply for your choice of program at this link: APPLY NOW

    Aster Stars Program

    Aster Stars Program is a uniquely designed program for Parents and Toddlers and is designed based on the Montessori approach. This 1.5-hour session helps develop:

    Parent-Child Bonding:

    This program provides an opportunity for parents and toddlers to bond and strengthen their relationships. Through interactive activities, play, and shared experiences, parents and toddlers can form a deeper emotional connection.

    Early Learning and Development:

    Through Montessori-inspired activities, we promote early learning and development in toddlers. We offer age-appropriate activities, sensory experiences, and stimulation that support cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development during the critical early years.

    Socialization Skills:

     Toddlers benefit from interacting with their peers in a structured setting. This program offers opportunities for toddlers to engage in play, share toys, take turns, and develop social skills such as communication, cooperation, and empathy. These experiences lay the foundation for healthy social relationships later in life.

    Language and Communication Development:

    We focus on language-rich environments, exposing toddlers to a variety of vocabulary and language models. Through rhymes, stories, and conversations, toddlers enhance their language and communication skills, building a solid foundation for future language development.

    Parenting Confidence and Empowerment:

    The Montessori approach empowers parents by equipping them with knowledge, skills, and strategies to support their child’s development. As parents witness their toddlers’ growth and progress in a supportive environment, they gain confidence in their parenting abilities and feel more empowered in their role.

    Enhancing Independence:

    With activities such as practical life skills which include table setting, table manners, lining clothes, mopping, washing hands, washing toys, and much more, we tend to develop an early onset of fostering independence. A child develops an innate sense of confidence that they can do anything on their own.

    We have 3 programs running under the Aster Stars Program:

    1. Parent Toddler Weekday Program:
    This program runs every Tuesday and Thursday from 12 -1.30 pm

    2. Parent Toddler Weekend Program:
    Every Saturday from 12 – 1.30

    3. Parent Toddler Playdates:
    We organize thematic playdates based on famous stories. Our qualified teachers design activities that bring to life the themes through immersive play, storytelling, and much more.

    Aster Stars Program is the best way to get to know how we follow the pure Montessori approach for young minds to reach their developmental milestones and also help them their first step towards being ready for schooling. It is also the window to our preschool where we follow the same methodology.

    Registrations keep ongoing. You can apply for your choice of program at this link: https://form.jotform.com/231560984377062

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