Founding The Aster School has been a dream come true for me. I had realized the importance of early years education and the lack of it in Pakistan once I returned from the UK after completing my higher education. This realization made me set out to establish an institution that provided a student-centered and educational environment to help develop young minds. It would focus exclusively on the vital age of learning and development which has an astounding impact on later accomplishments.
To do this, we use the environment, a natural teacher to hone a student’s innate curiosity about the world around them and to stimulate learning and growth through tried and tested methods. We are a school that cares about the student’s mental and physical wellbeing and aspires to give your child the skills and opportunities to be whoever they choose to be. I believe that us and our most esteemed partners, the parents are the perfect role models to help promote healthy behaviors and skills that the children will emulate.
I am incredibly honored that you have considered Aster School in the search for your child’s education. I hope you will find this website informative and will choose to get your child and yourself involved in the magical and vibrant Aster Community.
Thank you and best wishes,
Falak Shaikhani
Aster’s curriculum is a blend of research-based frameworks inspired by the Finnish schooling system and predominantly the Montessori method of learning.
We are a diverse team of dedicated, passionate, and qualified educationists who believe in creating an innovative and phenomenal educational experience for your child.
Our ultimate goal is your child’s overall well-being and to develop conscious independent individuals prepared for the 21st century.
We believe parents and caregivers are the primary educators at home. When schools and families work together, our students thrive. We give the utmost value to parental feedback and queries to keep developing our program.
Our learning methods allow our students to explore their surroundings so that they can develop according to their own unique strengths and potential. This ensures that they are exploring something new every moment.
Children Participate in a variety of Extra-curricular activities. The Aster School offers a number of activities suitable for appropriate age-groups that take place during school hours.
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