Best strategies to build gross motor skills
Gross motor skills are by far the most important and essential part of any child’s development. These are the skills which require the body to make movements.
Seems like something pretty ordinary and naturally coming,, doesn’t it? But there’s more to it than just that. Gross motor skills are important to enable your child to perform everyday functions, such as walking, running, climbing up stairs, as well as the sports skills such as; ability to catch, throw, hit etc.
All these things are pretty influential on a day to day functioning. In order to groom the motor skills or build them in your child, there are some techniques or strategies in order to make it work more effectively; such as making some exercise a part of their routine.
What is meant by this?
In pre-schools, it is made sure to make physical activities a part of the child’s learning routine wise through following steps.
- Exploring is another great strategy to go by in order to build gross motor skills, it helps in absorbing and processing the different textures and sensations such as walking around, lying on the grass helps in processing the environment.
- Adding activities like climbing hills or open ended toys like ribbon dance, jumping ropes etc add up to the child’s movements as well as his or her imagination and creativity.
- Sports has also proved to be a major help in building gross motor skills, like playing soccer or catch with a ball, it helps the child in developing hand and feet in coordination with their eyes, also with motor planning and improving social skills.
- These activities also build leadership qualities or sportsmanship in the child.
- Personal health care such as; brushing the teeth or hair or putting clothes on is a great way to help the child with gross motor skills.
It is to be made sure that more and more movement activities are added to the child’s routine as it is what brings out the most of gross motor skills.
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